How to
Create your Branded  IG Filter

in 9 easy breazy steps


Step into the spotlight!

Your brand deserves to shine and we're here to make it happen with a personalized IG Filter!

It's vibrant, it's creative, and oh-so-you!

Designed for the fierce Women Business Owner and Digital Entrepreneur who isn't afraid to show their sparkle.

 And the best part?
I make it TRULY INCREDIBLY easy.

Let me explain how *SUPER easy* I'm (actually) making this.


Download something?
2 steps out of 9.


Open something?
Another 2 steps.


Click a button?
Yup, another 2 steps.


Test and record a small video?
That's one step.


Fill out a submission form?
Just one step (and we're 8 steps IN).


Right-click and replace?
Yup, that's step 9 of the 9!


And you can re-do these steps how many times you want, publishing multiple filters! 

Sofia Darling

Graphic & brand visionary

bringing joy to Design-Yard and obsessed with WOW-za Brand Makeovers.

I got into *this* world back when landlines would beep beep boop for internet connection. 👵 And I’m here to get you wildly paid for being fabulously yourself.

So, you can bet your bum-bum and expect more than just knockout graphics. I’m here to arm your business with an entire treasure trove of creativity.

Think of me not just as a designer, but as your trusty sidekick, your graphic and brand visionary, your creative confidante, your whispering muse. Together, we’re unstoppable!

Ready to Create your Branded IG Filter in less than 30 minutes for ONLY 49€?

looking for my graphics instead?